Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A little advice

Okay, so basically I'm trying to shift my diet here. And, I'm trying to start off with a bit of a wheat grass cleanse. I'm putting about two scoops of powder in a glass of water and trying to take it straight. Kinda treating it like my new "real man's whiskey".
On the one hand, when I get the stuff down, I get this sort of energetic hum from my body. I don't really know how to describe it, you could kinda call it a warmth. I just call it "the hum", and take is as a nutritional yes from some part of my system.
On the OTHER hand, this stuff tastes like booty. Pure, hot, wet, booty. I can usually only take four or five drinks from the glass before I am borderline vomit-gagging. This is followed by a comical routine from my gastro-intestinal tract...a symphony of gurgling and bubbling that I can only refer to as "the bog of eternal stench".
I then end up standing in front of the mirror, thinking about my next glass of wheat grass, chanting to my self, "chase the hum". I then realise what I'm doing -- a grown man standing in front of the mirror, talking about a mystic hum, worried about my next helping of something people buy for their pets at petco...and I'm drinking it.
So, my questions:
1) Are you guys really sure humans are supposed to eat this stuff? Don't get me wrong, I've come around to the belief that we aren't nearly as designed for meat and animal products as we think -- but THIS stuff? ARE YOU SURE? Why would my body react so nausiatingly to something so good for it?
2) Is there something that I can mix with the wheat grass and water, like some sort of juice or something, that will make this more palletable but NOT interfere with the work of the cleanse, or this whole acid-alkaline thing I'm trying to accomplish? I'm all about the hard road, but come on...seriously, two minutes after drinking this, my farts smell like wheat grass and my significant other walks in and goes, "why does it smell like the pet store in here?".
I'm trying to get a handle on reforming from the standard american diet, and the health issues that has caused, and yeah, I was about as standard american diet as you could go.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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